More and more homes are opting for home security camera installation to give them more peace of mind regarding the safety of their home. While anyone can put up cameras on their own property, if you do, it’s important to be aware of the laws regarding home CCTV camera installation so you aren’t breaching data protection or privacy laws.
Here’s what you need to know before your CCTV camera installation.
Who enforces CCTV law in the UK?
The Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) enforces and regulates the 2018 Data Protection Act and GDPR. They are responsible for publishing guidelines that inform domestic CCTV owners of their obligation regarding data protection law. The DPA and GDPR apply to anyone who owns property and uses CCTV to capture footage covering their neighbour’s homes, public areas or shared spaces. They are also available to answer queries regarding domestic CCTV and give advice on the next course of action.
How domestic CCTV law is applied
If your cameras only cover your property, then DPA regulations do not apply to you. Even visitors to your property that have their image filmed cannot claim data protection. It is only relevant when the cameras are in a position where they can film images beyond the user’s property. For example, if the cameras film the neighbour's garden, public pathways or the street. Anyone whose image is captured by these cameras is covered by DPL rights.
Should you let people know when they are being filmed on your premises?
It is a good idea to let people know if you have CCTV cameras that film footage beyond your boundary. You should have a good reason as to why you are filming this area, particularly if the ICO or your neighbours request this information. You should be able to explain why the images are essential. If your area is clearly signposted, it is important to check that you are capturing usable footage that helps you attain the objective of using the system.
The right to information
Any person has the right to access footage/information where they can be identified in recorded footage. Any domestic CCTV user should provide footage/information within one month, except for homeowners who often delete their CCTV footage.
Are you looking for a quality CCTV camera installation for your home security? Speak to the experts at Shuretech - the security camera company you can trust. We offer security camera installation for homes in the London and South East region.